Nursing for Clinical Research Excellence

AACNA is dedicated to promoting, supporting, and advocating for the advancement of interprofessional, practice-based nursing research. Collaborating with both internal and external stakeholders and guided by the AACNA Enterprise Research Advisory Council, we prioritize moving forward our research agenda in nursing by offering educational opportunities and resources, supporting key research projects, fostering collaboration, and leading the profession to meet the current and future needs of nursing and healthcare.

NUCRE mission and strategic priorities align closely with the AACNA Mission, Vision, and values. The Research Council is committed to shaping the future of nursing and healthcare by building capacity for a culture of inquiry that advances interprofessional, practice-based research.

Strategic priorities include:

Enhancing healthcare access
Improving safety and quality of care
Promoting the health and well-being of nurses
Fostering diversity, equity, and inclusion
Supporting professional identity development
Advancing environmental sustainability

Economic Value of Nursing: Recognizing nursing's vital contribution to the global healthcare economy is crucial. We advocate for a paradigm shift that acknowledges nursing not only as a labor cost but also as a revenue-generator within healthcare systems. By advocating for investments in the nursing workforce aligned with the economic value nurses provide, we aim to establish a healthcare ecosystem where nurses are recognized as essential caregivers and strategic assets, driving improved patient outcomes and financial sustainability in healthcare institutions worldwide.

To enhance the visibility of nursing's value contribution, the AACNA Enterprise Institute for Nursing Research and Quality Management is leading an Economic Value of Nursing Research Project.